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Think tank claims tackling zero carbon could boost UK wage growth

by Trevor Loveday

Environment think tank The Green Alliance has claimed that net zero policies can boost productivity and economic growth and stem a long-standing state where prices have outstripped wages in the UK.

In its report, produced in collaboration with “innovation agency for social good,” Nesta, Climate for growth, the alliance asserts: “The UK has seen

exceptionally low growth in real wages, largely driven by flatlining productivity.” It goes on to say innovation needed to achieve net zero carbon levels creates “an opportunity to raise productivity directly.”

The authors highlight the urgency in the need to avoid the escalation in the costs of dealing with climate change which “increase the longer it is left unchecked.” They cite the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s recent assessment report’s demonstration that “the costs of a 3ºC world will be disproportionately higher than the costs of a 1ºC world.”


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