Water market operator MOSL has included a new Strategic Data programme in the final version of its 2025-28 business plan, which is now published for member voting by 27 February.
MOSL reported that 67% of respondents to its consultation were supportive of the idea to tackle the root causes of poor data entering the market, with a further 12% supportive in principle, subject to more information on scope and outcomes. It has provided this, and wrapped the work into its final business plan.
This has added 2% to the Market Operator (MO) charges consulted on in draft. These will now rise, rather than fall, by 1%. MOSL’s total budget for 2025/26 is just over £14m. £13.7m will be funded through MO charges, with £345,000 funded from reserves.
MOSL made a number of other adjustments to the draft plan, based on consultation feedback. Key items included:
Water efficiency – including further information as to how water efficiency is a core part of a number of improvement programmes (particularly Strategic Metering Review).
Open data – greater clarity on how it will work with Ofwat to define open data, aligned to the commitment in Ofwat’s forward programme for 2025/26.
Data sharing mechanism – further assurance on the funding provision for the development of the Data Sharing Mechanism.
Settlement Strategy – specific reference added to the post RF process as part of work to support the RWG on the settlement strategy.
Phasing for Market Performance Framework reform.