Morrison Water Services claims UK first with artificial intelligence- driven meter reading system
Under its contract with Thames Water, services provider, Morrison Water Services, has introduced a meter reading system that deploys artificial intelligence to extract meter readings from digital photographs.
Morrison said the system – a “smart meter reading assistant” developed by Netherlands-based company, Blicker – “allows for a far more efficient meter reading process, with the artificial intelligence system removing the potential for human error when recording meter readings.” Morrison emphasised that the system reduces emissions by avoiding the need for second readings.
Blicker deciphers meter readings and serial numbers from a digital photographic image taken by the meter reader. The system supplier said its artificial intelligence “registers all different kinds of meters from around the world with superhuman accuracy under all challenging conditions in which these meters are found out in the field.”
According to Morrison it is the first in the UK to use Blicker. The technology has been deployed worldwide including in The Netherlands, Germany, Malawi, India and the Philippines.