MOSL has reported overall improvement in how well trading parties are performing against business retail market Market Performance Standards and Operating Performance Standards.
Last week it issued league tables updated for the first six months of this financial year (April - October 2019). Companies in the top spots retained their leads, though there was more movement at the bottom as some full year 2018/19 poor performers pulled themselves into the middle of the pack.
As at full year 2018/19, smaller retailers performed significantly better overall than their larger peers, though both groups showed overall improvement: large retailers from 74.9% to 79.2%, and smaller retailers from 84.2% to 89.6%.
Of the large retailers, Yorkshire Water Business Services retained first place, Affinity for Business and Water2Business switching second and third spots. There was more movement at the bottom of the table, with 11th place SES Business Water rising sharply to take 5th spot. 7th placed Wave fell to 10th, with Castle slipping from 10th to bottom.
Wholesalers – MPS
The top three water and sewerage companies for MPS remained in place: Yorkshire stayed in pole position, with Anglian and Wessex reversing order for second and third. Notable was a major improvement from Southern, which climbed from 9th to 4th place. Northumbrian and Thames stayed in the bottom slots and were joined by Severn Trent. Of the water only companies, Bristol retained its lead while South East Water stayed bottom though improved considerably.
Wholesalers – OPS
On OPS, again the top three WASCs kept their positions, though Anglian rose from second to first. Two of the bottom three performers from May made significant gains: Severn Trent now ranked 4th and South West Water 6th. Thames stayed in 9th place.
Bristol and Affinity stayed the WOC leaders, with 5th place Portsmouth improving to take third. South East Water dropped to bottom from 4th.
The WOC OPS chart was the only one of the seven to show overall decline, with sector performance slipping from 96.6% to 95.2%.
On OPS, MOSL said: “Wholesalers at the lower end of the league tables, delivering lower levels of performance for retailers, will be given increased focus over coming months with a view driving marked improvement”. It will introduce initial performance rectification plans against OPS for the the first time from this month. This follows the September 2018 introduction of similar plans for MPS.
The league tables can be viewed at