CCW targets acceptability, incentives and fairness in PR19 work
The Consumer Council for Water is consulting until 10 January on its draft forward work programme in England and Wales for 2019-2022.
A key campaign objective for 2019-20 will be ensuring the 2019 price review delivers for consumers. The watchdog said it intends to:
• carry out acceptability testing on Ofwat’s PR19 Draft Determination and push for change where plans fall short;
• press for the customer experience measure (C-MeX) to incentivise material change in companies’ performance; and
• challenge the incentive regime (ODIs) so that it only rewards companies for exceptional performance in areas that consumers value the most.
Keep pressure on Ofwat's decisions on cost of capital and incentives to make sure PR19 is less generous than previous price reviews.
Elsewhere, CC Water outlined its four other top campaign priorities for the period:
• Continuing pressure on poor performing water companies.
• Getting companies to share their estimated £500m windfall from financial outperformance with customers.
• Securing more help for consumers in vulnerable circumstances.
• Getting the non-household market to work better for customers.
It will also of course also continue its statutory work on complaints and reviewing companies’ charges schemes and social tariff proposals.